Occasional Visitor
I am new to the forums, but I have been searching previous threads without being able to solve my issue. As the title suggests, I am looking to setup my router so one of the Guest Networks broadcasts an SSID that connects to a VPN service I subscribe to, and the other SSID's connect to my ISP web service.
I am running firmware 378.50.
I have been following the guide at this url, but unfortunately it is not working.
I have my OpenVPN connection working on the router, but it is using the vpn connection for all SSID's. I only want it to work for my Guest network.
I have created this script and saved it as wifi.sh in the /jffs/scripts directory.
I have also create a file called "services-start.sh" in the /jffs/scripts directory. This points to the location of my wifi.sh file.
This is the code:
After making these changes I restart the router, but it still doesn't work.
I feel like I don't have something setup right. FYI the /jffs/scripts folder was empty when I first started playing with this. The information didn't suggest whether /jffs/scripts dir should be empty or not. A lot of information I can find on this suggests a larger understanding than perhaps I have. I think I just need a little more help. I wouldn't consider myself a complete tech noob
I am new to the forums, but I have been searching previous threads without being able to solve my issue. As the title suggests, I am looking to setup my router so one of the Guest Networks broadcasts an SSID that connects to a VPN service I subscribe to, and the other SSID's connect to my ISP web service.
I am running firmware 378.50.
I have been following the guide at this url, but unfortunately it is not working.
I have my OpenVPN connection working on the router, but it is using the vpn connection for all SSID's. I only want it to work for my Guest network.
I have created this script and saved it as wifi.sh in the /jffs/scripts directory.
####### Interface Specific Settings #######
WRLSS_IF=wl1.1 # Name of the wireless interface that will be used.
WRLSS_IF_NTWK_ADDR= # Network address that the wireless interface will be on.
WRLSS_IF_INET_ADDR= # IP address that will be assigned to the wireless interface.
WRLSS_IF_NETMASK= # Netmask of the wireless network to be added.
TUN_IF=tun11 # Name of tunnel interface.
########## DHCP Specific Settings ###########
DHCP_OPT1=3 # dnsmasq option to specify router.
LS_TIME=86400s # Duration of the dhcp leases.
LS_START= # Start address of leases. This needs to be within the same network as above.
LS_END= # End address of leases. This needs to be within the same network as above.
######## Hide SSID of Guest Network ########
HIDE_SSID=0 # This option is to hide the SSID of a guest network if a guest network is used. Input 1 to hide and 0 to make it visible.
########################################## DHCP Server ###################################################
if [ `cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf | grep -c $WRLSS_IF` == 0 ]; then
killall dnsmasq
sleep 2
echo "interface=$WRLSS_IF" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-range=$WRLSS_IF,$LS_START,$LS_END,$WRLSS_IF_NETMASK,$LS_TIME" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-option=$WRLSS_IF,$DHCP_OPT1,$WRLSS_IF_INET_ADDR" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
dnsmasq --log-async
sleep 2
### Check to see if tun interface is available ###
while [ ! -n "`ifconfig | grep $TUN_IF`" ]; do
sleep 1
############################################ IP ROUTING ##################################################
ip route show table main | grep -Ev ^default | while read ROUTE; do
ip route add table 10 $ROUTE;
ip route del table main # Uncomment this line if you are not using the route-nopull option.
# Many VPN service providers push this route to redirect internet traffic over the tunnel.
ip route add default dev $TUN_IF table 10
ip rule add dev $WRLSS_IF table 10
ip route flush cache
####################################### ETHERNET BRIDGE TABLES RULES #####################################
EBT_BRULE1="-p ipv4 -i $WRLSS_IF -j DROP"
EBT_BRULE2="-p arp -i $WRLSS_IF -j DROP"
if [ -n "$EBT_BRULE1" ] && [ `ebtables -t broute -L | grep -ice "$EBT_BRULE1"` != 1 ]; then
ebtables -t broute -I BROUTING $EBT_BRULE1
if [ -n "$EBT_BRULE2" ] && [ `ebtables -t broute -L | grep -ice "$EBT_BRULE2"` != 1 ]; then
ebtables -t broute -I BROUTING $EBT_BRULE2
############################################ IP TABLES RULES #############################################
if [ `iptables -L -v | grep -c $WRLSS_IF` == 0 ]; then
iptables -I INPUT -i $WRLSS_IF -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i $WRLSS_IF -o $TUN_IF -j ACCEPT
if [ `iptables -t nat -L -v | grep -c $TUN_IF` == 0 ]; then
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s $WRLSS_IF_NTWK_ADDR/24 -o $TUN_IF -j MASQUERADE # Change /24 to the subnet that you will be using.
############################################### HIDE SSID ################################################
if [ `nvram get "$WRLSS_IF"_closed` != 1 ] && [ $HIDE_SSID == 1 ]; then
nvram set "$WRLSS_IF"_closed=1
nvram commit
if [ `nvram get "$WRLSS_IF"_closed` != 0 ] && [ $HIDE_SSID == 0 ]; then
nvram set "$WRLSS_IF"_closed=0
nvram commit
I have also create a file called "services-start.sh" in the /jffs/scripts directory. This points to the location of my wifi.sh file.
This is the code:
After making these changes I restart the router, but it still doesn't work.
I feel like I don't have something setup right. FYI the /jffs/scripts folder was empty when I first started playing with this. The information didn't suggest whether /jffs/scripts dir should be empty or not. A lot of information I can find on this suggests a larger understanding than perhaps I have. I think I just need a little more help. I wouldn't consider myself a complete tech noob