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Suggestion/Idea: AI scan of release threads/forum

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Senior Member
I'd like to suggest an idea; put the release threads into an AI like for example Google Gemini (with its large token size).

The goal here is to streamline the tracking of user reports, resolution statuses, and to identify any recurring issues or patterns, both across different firmware versions and within specific ones. A prompt could be built to perform this optimally.

This concept struck me while engaging in various release-threads. By feeding the threads' data into an AI, we could potentially achieve a more organized and efficient way of managing user feedback. This could include correlating user reports, tracking issue resolutions, and even suggesting follow-up questions for users experiencing problems, all across pages, threads... you get the idea.

The prospect of applying this to the entire Merlin subforum is particularly intriguing. Imagine the patterns and insights we could uncover, all leading to a more streamlined approach to bug and firmware issue tracking. This could be especially useful given the AI's capability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify connections that might not be immediately obvious.

Starting with the release threads seems like a practical first step. If @RMerlin has access to the forum's database, it could facilitate the creation of a structured document that's ready for AI analysis.
When I need to find something quickly on SNB Forums I just use Google* search. It's much more effective and generates more relevant results than the built-in Search and Better Search forum features. The current state of AI - very basic. It may generate totally wrong results based on spot on answers to specific questions. Can't be trusted.

* - keyword1 keyword2 site:snbforums.com
I'm not talking about searching threads, like Google search, I'm talking about searching for patterns with a dataset, hence Google Gemini - big difference.

I agree with you with respect to search, tho.
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It generates laughable results. People make fun of it online.
Just don't ask it to solve networking issues for a white heterosexual, christian family, and I think it'll do fine. Those (imposed) limitations relates to google search too, btw.

There are several other AI services. I was merely using Gemini as an example (the pro version, not the free) because of its large token window, but it could be interesting (and cheap) to run it through several ones. Maybe play them against each other, I don't know..
No. For a lot of reason.

The first one is, only I know what is under my control and what isn't. It takes me 10 seconds for me to determine if I should ignore a reported "issue", or if I should add it to the bookmark collection that I keep of things I need to investigate. Only I know what code changes I've done recently, and what hasn't been changed for 5 years and should therefore be chalked to a user issue.

Context is important. And no AI has all the context that I have by having the source code in my hands, and being the one who works with it.
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