Thanks for the new version!
I installed suricata 6.0.4 currently in test mode af-packet copy back and forth between the br0-eth0 interface. I later saw that the extra version supports nfqueue mode, which creates a new opportunity to test and maybe activate the ips feature. Who can please help to compile a usable configuration, iptables rule, yaml optimization for AX88 router. The init.d file and the rule update script, and I took over the webui, from the old version 4, all work with a little modification.
So far it has found 2 dns incidents on your webui.
I think it's only IDS and not IPS mode.
the eve.json file size increases rapidly.
eve.json sample line
27/3/2022 -- 21:47:59 - <Info> - Running in live mode, activating unix socket
27/3/2022 -- 21:47:59 - <Info> - Using unix socket file '/opt/var/run/suricata/suricata-command.socket'
27/3/2022 -- 21:47:59 - <Notice> - all 8 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.
27/3/2022 -- 21:47:59 - <Info> - All AFP capture threads are running.