Thanks again and all credit goes to
@RandomUser777 and to
@jksmurf and all the others on this forum for their valuable contributions. I will put the steps that I have followed exactley in case they will help anyone else going through this process:
1) Format USB drive using AMTM Format disk script (using all the script’s recommended settings including creating a label for the drive for step 5 below –
sda1- in my case).
2) Installed Entware packages on the USB drive using AMTM’s recommended settings.
3) Using SSH, issued these three commands in order:
“opkg install ca-bundle"
"opkg install tailscale"
"opkg install tailscaled"
Ignored the following error installing the last “tailscaled” package:
Unknown package 'tailscaled'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package tailscaled.
4) Using WinSCP, I replaced these two files (
tailscale and
tailscaled) from downloaded "
tailscale_1.54.0_arm64.tgz" in places of the original ones located in
5) Edited
S06tailscaled in /
opt/etc/init.d/ to look like this
(only ARGS line needed changing):
"-tun=userspace-networking -statedir /mnt/sda1/tailscale/" #Modified by KM
. /opt/etc/init.d/rc.func
6) Reboot router.
7) Using SSH, issued the following command:
“tailscale login” to get the URL link to connect device to my tailscale network.
8) In
/jffs/scripts/ created two new files as they did not exist in that folder (based on my router’s IP of, added contents as below and then modified their permissions to “
a) “
firewall-start” contents:
tailscale up --accept-routes --advertise-routes=
services-start” contents:
/opt/etc/init.d/S06tailscaled start
tailscale up --accept-routes --advertise-routes=
9) Reboot router.
10) At the end, I have had to manually issue this command for things to work properly:
“tailscale up --accept-routes --advertise-routes=”