I'm trying to check traffic on WAN intf with tcpdump 4.2.1 / libpcap 1.3.0 from the Entware official repo
I get an error "tcpdump: eth0: SIOETHTOOL(ETHTOOL_GTSO) ioctl failed: Invalid argument"
I get the same error for vlan1 (normal, vlan1 is same as eth0)
It's working like a charm on eth1, eth2, br0
I read on sourceforge an explanation for the previous version of libpcap, here :http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3572006&group_id=53067&atid=469577
As I'm not able to check/compile/build package of libpcap (limits of my skills ;-) ), is there someone which get/can compile the libpcap with the patch ?
Or perhap's a link to a repo which get other/correct libpcap version ? (I already tried some, but with no success)
NB : I'm using a RT-N66U with last merlin build Asuswrt-Merlin Beta 1, but I assume that's not the problem
Thanks a lot
I'm trying to check traffic on WAN intf with tcpdump 4.2.1 / libpcap 1.3.0 from the Entware official repo
I get an error "tcpdump: eth0: SIOETHTOOL(ETHTOOL_GTSO) ioctl failed: Invalid argument"
admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/home/root# opkg install tcpdump
Installing tcpdump (4.2.1-3) to root...
Downloading http://wl500g-repo.googlecode.com/svn/ipkg/openwrt/tcpdump_4.2.1-3_entware.ipk.
Installing libpcap (1.3.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://wl500g-repo.googlecode.com/svn/ipkg/openwrt/libpcap_1.3.0-1_entware.ipk.
Configuring libpcap.
Configuring tcpdump.
admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/home/root# tcpdump -i eth0
tcpdump: eth0: SIOETHTOOL(ETHTOOL_GTSO) ioctl failed: Invalid argument
It's working like a charm on eth1, eth2, br0
I read on sourceforge an explanation for the previous version of libpcap, here :http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3572006&group_id=53067&atid=469577
I am using tcpdump 4.2.1 / libpcap 1.2.1 on a BCM4716-based router (mipsel-linux-uclibc, kernel 2.6.23)
Packet capture on vlan interfaces would not start with the following error:
SIOETHTOOL( ETHTOOL_GTSO) ioctl failed: Invalid argument.
This is apparently coming from pcap-linux.c / iface_ethtool_ioctl()
I believe ioctl would return EINVAL if a certain ioctl is not supported by the device, so the code should probably look like
if (ioctl(handle->fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) == -1) {
if (errno == EOPNOTSUPP || errno == EINVAL) {
This change has fixed the error on my system and I am now able to do packet capture on vlan devices
As I'm not able to check/compile/build package of libpcap (limits of my skills ;-) ), is there someone which get/can compile the libpcap with the patch ?
Or perhap's a link to a repo which get other/correct libpcap version ? (I already tried some, but with no success)
NB : I'm using a RT-N66U with last merlin build Asuswrt-Merlin Beta 1, but I assume that's not the problem
Thanks a lot
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