In my understanding adblocking is a personal thing. I personally hate broken pages and search links. Sometimes ads are very relevant to searches and useful when comparing products or prices and when waiting for availability. I've purchased quite a few things online based on ads including a car that I found is now available in Canada, from an ad. I also support few sites with ads enabled including SNB Forums. It perhaps makes very little difference, but still something. Forced adblocking just because you have access to the router settings is similar to applying parental controls on your relatives. In our household everyone is 18+ already and can make own decisions. No need to play bad ISP with restrictions at home. So my adblocking recommendation is - let the users decide. There is no good router DNS-based adblocker. Ads serving got smarter and adblocking needs something smarter as well.
You can allow affiliate ads, the ones that comes from searches.
I have become Nazi over ads since all the newspapers filled their pages with ads, all the popups etc.
Constant tracking and such. It's not a companies right to stuff my face with ads that are aimed and tilted towards to lure me into making a decision i have not intended to do.
A psychological warfare where the people are not aware of that they are being attacked. I'm not going to sponsor that or walk around unprotected.
Not will i let my less knowledge (than me) relatives be sitting ducks either. So i help them, if they want, with as much adblocking as possible.
And this advertising world we are living in should be regulated, the opposite should be true from how it looks like today.
It's not the companies right to stuff ads in our faces 24/7 through internet, tv, radio, commercial pillars around the cities and highways.
If a company want to communicate with me it's going to be on my own terms, when I decide when and how. Not the opposite.
And no, i don't care about that companies survival at all. I care about my own peace of mind.
Commercial in my view, especially since it attacks or influence if you will, our brain so much should be considered a warfare of psychology and thus forbidden in the free world. It's my freedom we talk about and not some companies freedom. They are supposed to bring service to the market yes? Not hammer down on the good and free citizen of this world for their own economical survival. Which by the way is just a made up system that comes from a human head and thus making it an idea. Not something that we MUST consider since it's not part of the nature. We are not religious slaves to an idea now are we?
I float out a bit here but it touches everything in my view.
This is my 2 cents on the matter.