Hi Guys,
I was pointed to the forums here to discuss my AX-3000 Issues. The stock firmware is hopeless, ASUS support and engineers have no idea so here's the go.
I just wanna run something by you guys as I'm out of idea's. So I switched to your firmware because the ASUS stock firmware is frankly garbage. I have multiple rigs crypto mining, I have kids so I use the Family Filters on this and I also house a server which has a mail server, game servers etc.
Long story short the TUF-AX3000 has like so many issues for me. With the merlin firmware I luckily got access to the TCP Timeouts, so I made adjustments to those (essentially halved most). But hasn't fully sorted it, I mean I get RDP Bombed at times (I move the port each time). I get attacks on SMTP.... Firewall and set routes to time them out, I use cloudfare etc.
But the modem seem to have Kernel Panics, reboots ...... With the merlin firmware it's ALOT better, but I think perhaps it might be only when I have set things on.
Either Adaptive or QoS in General, App Monitoring or Bandwidth Monitoring and the Trent URL Filtering thing. Whenever I have these on I get nf_conntrack: table full and it spits the dummy almost daily.
I have wireless issues and or even lan issues which I think link to Deauth_ind **:**:**:**:**:**, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2) (example).
I was reading somewhere about bucket sizes for connections (no idea making mention if it could be added to edit).
My gut feeling is the routers a POS and doesn't have enough RAM for what it needs to do. I dunno if there is custom DDOS or Firewall settings that we could edit/add as well? It's slower with the firewall accessing things externally (when hosting stuff behind it).
I would love a dev to look at this because ASUS are useless. I've only had my router for like 2 months maybe.... I got fibre and decided to put it in at the same time and it's just been sh*t honestly lol. My old NetComm with it's crappy WIFI was much better.
Dev's? My setups a good test for ASUS as I have alot going on and it clearly can't handle even half of it.
I was pointed to the forums here to discuss my AX-3000 Issues. The stock firmware is hopeless, ASUS support and engineers have no idea so here's the go.
I just wanna run something by you guys as I'm out of idea's. So I switched to your firmware because the ASUS stock firmware is frankly garbage. I have multiple rigs crypto mining, I have kids so I use the Family Filters on this and I also house a server which has a mail server, game servers etc.
Long story short the TUF-AX3000 has like so many issues for me. With the merlin firmware I luckily got access to the TCP Timeouts, so I made adjustments to those (essentially halved most). But hasn't fully sorted it, I mean I get RDP Bombed at times (I move the port each time). I get attacks on SMTP.... Firewall and set routes to time them out, I use cloudfare etc.
But the modem seem to have Kernel Panics, reboots ...... With the merlin firmware it's ALOT better, but I think perhaps it might be only when I have set things on.
Either Adaptive or QoS in General, App Monitoring or Bandwidth Monitoring and the Trent URL Filtering thing. Whenever I have these on I get nf_conntrack: table full and it spits the dummy almost daily.
I have wireless issues and or even lan issues which I think link to Deauth_ind **:**:**:**:**:**, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2) (example).
I was reading somewhere about bucket sizes for connections (no idea making mention if it could be added to edit).
My gut feeling is the routers a POS and doesn't have enough RAM for what it needs to do. I dunno if there is custom DDOS or Firewall settings that we could edit/add as well? It's slower with the firewall accessing things externally (when hosting stuff behind it).
I would love a dev to look at this because ASUS are useless. I've only had my router for like 2 months maybe.... I got fibre and decided to put it in at the same time and it's just been sh*t honestly lol. My old NetComm with it's crappy WIFI was much better.
Dev's? My setups a good test for ASUS as I have alot going on and it clearly can't handle even half of it.