Some background: (I’ve read quite a lot about how to do it, but still have a few questions – please see at the end…)
If it would work well, I would like to use 2 VPN clients (from 2 different VPN providers,
I’ve read doing it that way shouldn’t cause a conflict with routes or ports), so that torrenting by one
LAN client doesn’t affect the bandwidth of other LAN clients.
(which it currently does at times when using just one VPN client, and the wife isn’t pleased
when it affects her streaming service… )
I’m in Thailand, and want to both stream from US providers, as well
as have privacy and bypass any censorship, so I want *everything* going
thru a VPN – have been doing that fine so far with just one client - ExpressVPN
on my router), no issues with anything going thru the WAN.
I’ll be getting an AX88U, so I’m assuming there won’t be much overhead to actually using
2 clients due to hardware encryption, and that since the combination of both, even with both running at full “VPN speed”
won’t saturate my ISP bandwidth. Besides, bandwidth from Thailand to the US
is limited anyway…
Only one IP (Laptop) will be doing torrenting, so I assume that one should be put in
the 1st client spot, and the 2nd client spot would have every IP listed? i.e.
client 1:
Laptop VPN
Router WAN
Client 2:
If it would work well, I would like to use 2 VPN clients (from 2 different VPN providers,
I’ve read doing it that way shouldn’t cause a conflict with routes or ports), so that torrenting by one
LAN client doesn’t affect the bandwidth of other LAN clients.
(which it currently does at times when using just one VPN client, and the wife isn’t pleased
when it affects her streaming service… )
I’m in Thailand, and want to both stream from US providers, as well
as have privacy and bypass any censorship, so I want *everything* going
thru a VPN – have been doing that fine so far with just one client - ExpressVPN
on my router), no issues with anything going thru the WAN.
I’ll be getting an AX88U, so I’m assuming there won’t be much overhead to actually using
2 clients due to hardware encryption, and that since the combination of both, even with both running at full “VPN speed”
won’t saturate my ISP bandwidth. Besides, bandwidth from Thailand to the US
is limited anyway…
Only one IP (Laptop) will be doing torrenting, so I assume that one should be put in
the 1st client spot, and the 2nd client spot would have every IP listed? i.e.
client 1:
Laptop VPN
Router WAN
Client 2:
- Is putting only ALL in the 2nd client correct? I assume Laptop should go thru the 1st client due to the order of client rules with client 1 having priority,
and that client 2 would then handle *ONLY* everything not listed in client 1?
Or… do I need to put every IP (ranges) into Client 2 -other than- the Laptop IP? Or some other configuration entirely?
- Is putting the Router/WAN in Client 1 (and only in client 1?) correct? Is it required - why? I see it recommended, but I'm not sure exactly what it does...
What implications for security (if any) does adding the Router to the WAN interface have?
Could that allow something over the WAN that shouldn’t go?
- Should the kill-switch be set for both clients? only client 1? only 2?
I just want the normally expected behavior, so NO LAN client goes thru the WAN if a tunnel drops.
(if for example, the Laptop should go thru Client 2 if client 1 goes down, that’s fine as long as it
goes thru the VPN in client 2 and never thru the WAN…)
- Will both VPN clients only go thru only one CPU? Or 2? If only one, any way to change that behavior?
- One of my VPN providers (NordVPN) has 2 DNS servers, but when I use “Exclusive”, Doing a leak test,
I do get a DNS server that is in the same NYC network that the VPN is exiting at, so it seems
the DNS is going thru the VPN tunnel, but it’s not one of the 2 IP's that they gave me as their DNS servers…
Is that ok? or is that still considered a “leak” ?
I suspect those 2 servers they gave me are just for WAN clients, not the VPN, but I’m not sure…