Mine doesn't show as many as yours does.....Hmmm...IT's ALIVE!
and working on my RT-AC5300
View attachment 18163
I can imagine how the page would look if I had 30 or more filters......
@Jack Yaz
You are slowly taking over the GUI..
What is going to be the next adventure... ScriMerlin with a database with all the possible examlpes writable to /opt for ease of use ?
A small request for v1.0.![]()
I made extra filters.Mine doesn't show as many as yours does.....Hmmm...
View attachment 18166
Okay, a little investigation by way of uninstalling uiScribe and changing the settings to see what gets passed to syslogd.I hid these as I wasn't sure what impact, if any, the settings had when running through syslog-ng. @cmkelley do you know if the settings still apply?
here are some extra base filtersMine doesn't show as many as yours does.....Hmmm...
View attachment 18166
cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/diversion <<'EOF'
# log all diversion and uiDivStats logs to diversion.log
destination d_diversion {
filter f_diversion {
program("Diversion") or
log {
chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/diversion
cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/ethernet <<'EOF'
# log ethernet change to /opt/var/log/ethernet.log only
destination d_ethernet {
filter f_kernel {
filter f_ethernet {
message("eth1") or
message("eth2") or
message("eth3") or
message("eth4") or
message("eth5") or
message("eth6") or
message("eth7") or
message("eth8") or
log {
chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/ethernet
cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/openvpn <<'EOF'
# log all openvpn server and client logs into one file - /opt/var/log/openvpn.log and stop processing openvpn logs
destination d_openvpn {
filter f_openvpn {
program("ovpn-server1") or
program("ovpn-server2") or
program("ovpn-client1") or
program("ovpn-client2") or
program("ovpn-client3") or
program("ovpn-client4") or
program("ovpn-client5") or
log {
chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/openvpn
cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/pixelserv <<'EOF'
# log all pixelserv-tls logs to /opt/var/log/pixelserv.log and stop processing pixelserv-tls logs
destination d_pixelserv {
filter f_pixelserv {
log {
chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/pixelserv
cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/diversion <<'EOF'
/opt/var/log/diversion.log {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng
chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/diversion
cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/ethernet <<'EOF'
/opt/var/log/ethernet.log {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng
chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/ethernet
cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/openvpn <<'EOF'
/opt/var/log/openvpn.log {
rotate 9
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng
chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/openvpn
cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/pixelserv <<'EOF'
/opt/var/log/pixelserv.log {
rotate 9
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng
chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/pixelserv
Er, all of those are at /opt/share/syslog-ng/examples and /opt/share/logrotate/examples You just need to copy them from the examples directory to the appropriate directory in /opt/etc - syslog.d or logrotate.d as required. No need to re-create them.here are some extra base filters
use nano in ssh and
nano /jffs/scripts/syslog-ng.d-filters
copy and paste into terminal and ctrl-x to save
then copy and paste sh /jffs/scripts/syslog-ng.d-filtersCode:#!/bin/sh cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/diversion <<'EOF' # log all diversion and uiDivStats logs to diversion.log destination d_diversion { file("/opt/var/log/diversion.log"); }; filter f_diversion { program("Diversion") or program("uiDivStats"); }; log { source(src); filter(f_diversion); destination(d_diversion); flags(final); }; #eof EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/diversion cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/ethernet <<'EOF' # log ethernet change to /opt/var/log/ethernet.log only destination d_ethernet { file("/opt/var/log/ethernet.log"); }; filter f_kernel { program("kernel"); }; filter f_ethernet { message("eth1") or message("eth2") or message("eth3") or message("eth4") or message("eth5") or message("eth6") or message("eth7") or message("eth8") or message("br0:"); }; log { source(src); filter(f_kernel); filter(f_ethernet); destination(d_ethernet); flags(final); }; #eof EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/ethernet cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/openvpn <<'EOF' # log all openvpn server and client logs into one file - /opt/var/log/openvpn.log and stop processing openvpn logs destination d_openvpn { file("/opt/var/log/openvpn.log"); }; filter f_openvpn { program("ovpn-server1") or program("ovpn-server2") or program("ovpn-client1") or program("ovpn-client2") or program("ovpn-client3") or program("ovpn-client4") or program("ovpn-client5") or program("openvpn-routing"); }; log { source(src); filter(f_openvpn); destination(d_openvpn); flags(final); }; #eof EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/openvpn cat > /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/pixelserv <<'EOF' # log all pixelserv-tls logs to /opt/var/log/pixelserv.log and stop processing pixelserv-tls logs destination d_pixelserv { file("/opt/var/log/pixelserv.log"); }; filter f_pixelserv { program("pixelserv-tls"); }; log { source(src); filter(f_pixelserv); destination(d_pixelserv); flags(final); }; #eof EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/syslog-ng.d/pixelserv
next the logrotate
nano /jffs/scripts/logrotate.d-filters
then sh /jffs/scripts/logrotate.d-filtersCode:#!/bin/sh cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/diversion <<'EOF' /opt/var/log/diversion.log { postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng endscript } EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/diversion cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/ethernet <<'EOF' /opt/var/log/ethernet.log { postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng endscript } EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/ethernet cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/openvpn <<'EOF' /opt/var/log/openvpn.log { monthly rotate 9 postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng endscript } EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/openvpn cat > /opt/etc/logrotate.d/pixelserv <<'EOF' /opt/var/log/pixelserv.log { rotate 9 postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslog-ng endscript } EOF chmod 600 /opt/etc/logrotate.d/pixelserv
to top it off you can use options LR and RS inside scribe to get things started
force up date uiscribe as i am not sure if you will see new logs present yet
correct you can use cp.Er, all of those are at /opt/share/syslog-ng/examples and /opt/share/logrotate/examples You just need to copy them from the examples directory to the appropriate directory in /opt/etc - syslog.d or logrotate.d as required. No need to re-create them.![]()
cp -p copies permissions and preserves date/time stamps.correct you can use cp.
i just like to make sure there is no other nuisances.
don't forget chmod 600 all the way all day.
you did an awesome job, what are you talking about "playing with it".cp -p copies permissions and preserves date/time stamps.All of the (usable) files in those directories have their permissions set properly.
I really need to stop playing with it and write some documentation. It isn't as obvious as it seems to me.![]()
Adding features. Working on the ability to stop syslog-ng (and restart syslogd/klogd) without uninstalling. Turning out to have a few unintended consequences and logic traps. I thought I was ready to roll out v2.1_0 last night, but wanted to bang on it some more and I found another issue tonight. :-(you did an awesome job, what are you talking about "playing with it".
try uninstalling uiScribe and reinstalling.Hi Jack
Im getting "Log goes here" on everything except system messages - on v 0.2.0 and 0.4.0
try uninstalling uiScribe and reinstalling.
The button will be disappearing again as you've confirmed the log level stuff doesn't apply.@Jack Yaz, couple things (v0.4.0):
The "apply" button is broken. Pushing it has the effect of resetting the page entirely. If either checkbox has been cleared it's re-checked and the windows collapsed. Same behaviour on my AC86U and AC3200.
Just a data point, but updating from v0.1.0 didn't work right for some reason. I only got messages and crash logs showing, all the rest has the "log goes here" message. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it.
What doesDone that - no change
ls -la /www/ext/uiScribe
cat /jffs/scripts/uiScribe.d/.logs
I've removed the filtering options in 0.4.1 - those wanting to filter by priority should set this up in syslog-ngOkay, a little investigation by way of uninstalling uiScribe and changing the settings to see what gets passed to syslogd.
The "Log only messages more urgent than" number has no impact on scribe and can be hidden. That number is passed to syslogd which syslogd uses to toss out messages that priority or lower (the lowest is 7, so priority 8 logs everything). IIRC (i.e. I think I remember @RMerlin stating it somewhere) the "Default message log level" sets the priority level of messages generated by the router firmware. You can leave that exposed in so people can set that level in case they want to filter by priority level. None of the filters I provide with scribe filter by priority, but syslog-ng does support that. There are examples on the syslog-ng github.
What doesproduce?Code:ls -la /www/ext/uiScribe cat /jffs/scripts/uiScribe.d/.logs
Is syslog-ng definitely running? Check status in scribe
wx 1 joescian root 26 May 5 2018 logrotate.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/logrotate.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 30 May 5 2018 logs.htm -> /jffs/scripts/uiScribe.d/.logs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 21 May 5 2018 messages.htm -> /opt/var/log/messages
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 24 May 5 2018 openvpn.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/openvpn.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 26 May 5 2018 pixelserv.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/pixelserv.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 25 May 5 2018 skynet-0.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/skynet-0.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 26 May 5 2018 syslog-ng.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/syslog-ng.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 joescian root 26 May 5 2018 wlceventd.log.htm -> /opt/var/log/wlceventd.log
joescian@RT-AC5300:/tmp/home/root# cat /jffs/scripts/uiScribe.d/.logs
file("/opt/var/log/expanded-syslog.log" template(t_expandlog));
syslog-ng and logrotate installation
v2.0_1 (master) Coded by cynicastic
checking system for necessary scribe hooks ...
checking S01syslog-ng ... present.
checking service-event ... present.
checking post-mount ... present.
checking logrotate cron job ... present.
checking syslog-ng configuration ...
syslog-ng.conf syntax check ... okay!
checking syslog-ng daemon ... alive.
scribe installed version: v2.0_1 (master)
scribe GitHub version: v2.0_1 (master)
scribe is up to date!
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