Very Senior Member
Ignore any files named 'dnsmasq*' they're not syslog-ng files and not shown in uiScribe. Log files rotated by logrotate will have the date code appended, like 'syslog-ng.log-20190616'So based on this picture I believe it is safe to assume that is my issue. It does look as though it is rotating the logs based on the name of the .log1, .log2 file sizes and such for dnsmasq alone. Not sure what "messages" does as its over 10mb or if the other dnsmasq.log1 or log2 (84mb size) are still needed or would affect the router speed in their current state.
View attachment 18362
A 10Gig messages file is no bueno. 'messages' is the default log file, /tmp/syslog.log is symlinked to it.
Do you have an /opt/etc/logrotate.d/messages file? That should be limiting messages to 1024k. That limit has always been there since without Jack's uiScribe, that is the file that gets shown (because syslog.log is symlinked to it).