How do I define a large number of dynamic DHCP addresses and host names like dhcp_staticlist used to do?
Somewhere along the way, it looks like an update made 'nvram set dhcp_staticlist="<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME"' obsolete. As near as I can tell, I'm supposed to put SOMETHING in /jffs/configs/hosts.add and maybe another file in /jffs/configs.
Is there a "How to Migrate from dhcp_staticlist to /jffs/configs" document somewhere?
Somewhere along the way, it looks like an update made 'nvram set dhcp_staticlist="<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME<MAC>IP>HOSTNAME"' obsolete. As near as I can tell, I'm supposed to put SOMETHING in /jffs/configs/hosts.add and maybe another file in /jffs/configs.
Is there a "How to Migrate from dhcp_staticlist to /jffs/configs" document somewhere?