Part of the Furniture
Being blunt ... UPnP on a router that allows anyone to get inside your network is universally considered to be a security threat to the person who uses it. The only people who disagree are those who hack for profit (IE those who will happily steal from you and laugh about it) and those who don't know any better.
Oh, you say, these are only people who will play games with my kids and keep them off my back ... even maybe the mfgr said it was OK.
Hackers of the world thank you and wish more were as enlightened as you.
I do get security* - remember, 99.99999% of the users in the world could care less about someone's home network - 1 in a million, and blackhats go where the soft targets are - the big application providers... and they're targeting specific information in those repositories...
That being said - Router/AP's do have risk, Lizard Squad famously used vulns in home gateways to DDOS the Sony Playstation Network along with XBox Live during the Christmas holidays... so pick vendors accordingly there...
Note - Lizard Squad could only access the WAN interface, not items behind the NAT/SPI firewall...
* I'm a larger threat surface than most due to my work on anti-SPAM and anti-Fraud, along with indepth technical knowledge of the 802.1* protocol stacks, along with various WWAN stacks - I worry more about my work network than my home network, the home network is an easy problem to solve...