OK That's interesting. I remember someone else posting that they had problems with network browsing when set to SMBv1+SMBv2. A bug maybe.
If you have the time it might be useful if you could set your router back to SMBv1+SMBv2 and then SSH into the router and type "
cat /etc/smb.conf". The output might show us what the problem is.
SMBv2 isn't new by any means but it's become an issue recently because Microsoft disabled SMBv1 support in recent versions of Windows 10. That meant that suddenly people couldn't see their network drives in Windows Explorer. After a spate of global ransomeware attacks that devastated large companies, that were spread internally though weaknesses of SMBv1, Microsoft decided to disable SMBv1 via Windows Update rather then hoping that people would do it themselves.
Regarding UFW; I've never used/seen it. Like I said, I don't use Kubuntu or Ubuntu. I have a Centos server but it doesn't have its firewall enabled because it's only used for internal services.