I confess more than once doing this after completely wiping the router and doing an M&M configuration. I just edit the restore script to delete all the sections except the VPN and DHCP IP reservations, and use the rest as a checklist. I think I will now modify my copy of the script to add the additional variables for the VPN section as you suggest.So after a firmware upgrade and (mandatory?) firmware reset, exploiting the flexibility of @john9527's design I can in a few seconds reliably (i.e. repeatedly and consistently) selectively restore tedious time-consuming GUI configurations such as the DHCP IP reservations, VPN and Guest Networks etc. safe in the knowledge that a corrupt configuration isn't restored, but if it was, I can easily review the human-readable restore script and adapt as necessary.
The firmware settings save and restore part of the firmware is really if one is rolling back to a prior version, or if one has embarked on adding some new element and want to retreat to a prior point.