386.2 (2-Apr-2021)
- NOTE: due to changes in how custom device icons are handled,
first time you boot with 386.2 you need to either
shift-reload the main index page, or clear your
browser cache.
I did and I tried that, still happens
It is unbound (I had the same issue as you), think Ive given up on that app, its always causing issues, wrong install paths in scripts, have to reinstall gui on every reboot,etc.so I think I know what might have caused it. I factory reseted my router( and formated my USB using amtm) and everything was working fine but once I setup all my settings and addons (did not restore from any backup I set everything up manually and by using amtm (scmerlin skynet unbound yazDHCP)) it started happing again. specifically, I think it started happening once I installed unbound
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