New Around Here
You really need an enterprise router like pfsense on a x86 box with intel/marvel NICs or a mikrotik CCR. Both will perform QoS for internet very well, fast and give you a lot more control such as being able to combine per user, bandwidth limits and priorities all at the same time. RouterOS can also be installed on x86 so you dont need to buy a routerboard but you will need to check hardware compatibility.
Currently the popular dual core ARM consumer routers will only perform either bandwidth or priority based QoS but not both which means you cant use bandwidth control for users and at the same time prioritise VOIP and web over other things.
The mikrotik CCR can be used with a script to auto generate and remove QoS rules per user (but you must use some kind of user authentication such as RADIUS, hotspot, PPPOE) and can handle thousands of users with thousands of QoS rules to handle each of them very fast.
Try to see if Ruckus has APs with cloud based load balancing where the APs load balance users per AP in a small area which may make the investment worth it if they do even if they lack range. Alternatively if you want range mikrotik routerboard 9xx series have very high transmit power that will give you range and you can use standard or better antennas with them if you like.
What do you think about a box like this: http://store.netgate.com/ADI/RCC-VE-2440.aspx
I have one of these in the mail and was thinking about trying to use that with pfSense to do the QOS/Bandwidth stuff with the R7000s in AP mode.