Methinks you've stumbled upon the next great money grab.
Let's abolish the 2.4Ghz band and force everything to 5Ghz.
Then the consumer wireless companies can sell 2 or even 3 devices for every one they sell now because you'd have to have additional APs to cover anything larger than a freaking loft apartment.
To be fair, the AC1750 router I have now, sitting in my basement, at the corner of my house, can cover the rest of my house with 5GHz, with the exception of a bit of my dinning room/living room and my playroom. The playroom in part because it is slightly too far away, but also because there is a 4ft thick cinderblock and stone chimney blocking half the room from the router.
If the router could be centrally located (can't really), it probably could cover the entire house, maybe with the exception of some of that playroom because of the chimney. Its a 2,500sq-ft rancher (including basement).
Though the garage would be screwed no matter what (unless you placed the router in the playroom next to the garage, but then you couldn't cover the rest of the house).
2.4GHz really can cover the entire house, even with the router on the far side of the house (though again, garage is screwed, but with central location it wouldn't be). I can still get ~3MB/sec sitting in the playroom from the router ~60ft, one floor, a couple of interior 2x4" walls and the 4ft chimney in the way, away from my laptop.
Of course being able to cover it and covering it well are two difference things, which is why I have an AP sitting in the playroom next to the TV, which covers the playroom, garage and the living room/dinning room on the other side of the wall. So minimum speeds in the house on my laptop are 10MB/sec in the worst location and generally >20MB/sec (if not >>>20MB/sec). My tablet isn't as fast as it peaks at 10MB/sec in the best location, but it also doesn't drop below 5MB/sec in the worst location.
For really great 5GHz coverage...I kind of do need a second AP inside the house for 5GHz only. I am kind of hoping someone will come out with a halfway decent wall wart style access point that is AC1200, instead of just these AC750 ones. I'd love to get one, disable 2.4GHz on it and try to somewhat centrally locate it on the main level. Though I am hoping a slight repositioning of my current AP might help out with things, that or switching to an AC1750/1200 router with beamforming and good external antennas.
My N600 has excellent 2.4GHz range and pretty decent 5GHz range, but 5GHz performance does drop of resonably quickly. My AC1750 has very slightly better 2.4GHz and 5GHz range, but 5GHz performance stays VERY strong up until you are edging up on maximum range, instead of starting to drop off quickly like the N600 (even if you don't lose the connection entirely on either one till almost the same location. The N600 you might get 3MB/sec near max range, where as the AC1750 you might get 10MB/sec, move a little further and both basically disappear. Move a little closer and the N600 goes to maybe 5-6MB/sec, but the AC1750 goes to 20-25MB/sec).