Gentlemen, been reading your site now for a few days and love all the info
that is shared amongst each individuals..Nice Family indeed and that is why
I have joined the group.
I have just purchase 2 routers but need to eliminate one and return it .
Asus rtn56U and Asus rtn66U .
My goal is to get rid off the Bell Aliant router ( Actiontec r1000H ) and install my router instead.The Actiontec doesn't give me enough signal for my upstairs in my house , and reception levels are weak
Which router mentioned above would give me a stronger signal and would be a good replacement for the Bell router.
Thank You for your time , its greatly appreciated.
Oscar CD1
Gentlemen, been reading your site now for a few days and love all the info
that is shared amongst each individuals..Nice Family indeed and that is why
I have joined the group.
I have just purchase 2 routers but need to eliminate one and return it .
Asus rtn56U and Asus rtn66U .
My goal is to get rid off the Bell Aliant router ( Actiontec r1000H ) and install my router instead.The Actiontec doesn't give me enough signal for my upstairs in my house , and reception levels are weak
Which router mentioned above would give me a stronger signal and would be a good replacement for the Bell router.
Thank You for your time , its greatly appreciated.
Oscar CD1