New Around Here
My client devices are not that good at always connecting to the best wireless networking resource as soon as it becomes available. Aimesh lets the routers do that and that is the main advantage. Also sometimes there are 10 people in my living room all using clients. Mesh lets the network makes the most of the two routers, both of which are reading about -45 db there. It's a matter of letting the routers work together in a coordinated fashion to respond to user needs in a dynamic situation. I bought 4 great routers for US$ 106 and I'll sell the netgear ac3000 and linksys ac2400 for an average of $45 each. While I would not have paid huge money to set up mesh (I was using a wavlink aerial 2g upstairs and the 300 mbps real world speeds were enough), the additional functionality provided by the better hardware, mesh, and knowing I can buy Eric a beer and run merlin, is well worth the time to sell out the two other routers and pay less than $20 for the new system.