Tech Junky
Part of the Furniture
Ok, so here's how things work with AX/E.
Each antenna will get you a LR of 1200mbps and typically you have 2 antennas whether laptop or desktop which would be a max LR of 2400mbps. Of this the max actual speed is ~1.5gbps in either direction.
Pulling from server to NVME
Pushing to server
LR from the AP side
With everything optimized IRL this is the most to expect unless you wrap your home in tin foil to block external signals like a lab environment.
Laptop = AX411 card
Server = router/AP backhaul 2.5gbps - disks running in raid 10 with a max of 400MB/s+ speed in current configuration
AP = NWA210AX - static channels / 160mhz
Each antenna will get you a LR of 1200mbps and typically you have 2 antennas whether laptop or desktop which would be a max LR of 2400mbps. Of this the max actual speed is ~1.5gbps in either direction.
Pulling from server to NVME
Pushing to server
LR from the AP side
With everything optimized IRL this is the most to expect unless you wrap your home in tin foil to block external signals like a lab environment.
Laptop = AX411 card
Server = router/AP backhaul 2.5gbps - disks running in raid 10 with a max of 400MB/s+ speed in current configuration
AP = NWA210AX - static channels / 160mhz