Faulty or poor i just don't know
The only thing i can come up with is that all the reviews were done on frimware version 1.10, my router came with 1.11EU on there and the 855 isn't even on the Dlink UK website yet so there is little chance of me getting the 1.10 firmware.
I Would normally run the US firmwares i did that on the DIR-655 but there is a warning on the Dlink US website saying once it has been flashed to 1.11 it cant be flashed back to 1.10.
Maybe that is the key to the back performance ?
Mode Rate (Mbps) Signal (%)
802.11n (2.4GHz) 78 86
That is 1 foot away from the device i had a look when i was changing some settings
Wow! I see your here also with the some questions from the other forum. Remember signal strength will vary, as you did mention that your area is tight with 2.4GHz from those who live nearby you. Don't worry about the warning it can be flashed back to 1.10. Just be careful when you do it otherwise you'll end up with a bricked DOA box.
Why don't you try using the DIR-655 as wireless access point with the DIR-855 or reverse the setup to the other and see what you get. I have two wireless access points along with the DIR-655. 4 wireless laptops are off an one is active showing 84% for Signal which just drop down to 78% crazy. I can't put wireless access point in that area. Now it's back up to 81%. This one I wanted to put N PCMCIA onto it see if that would bring it up a bit. Now it backup to 84% showing in router status. As you can see wireless goes up and down. Just like I had said it's back down to 78%.
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