Lord Lovaduck
Regular Contributor
Indeed it's useful! But, I just tried it and it fails The URL works from a browser and returns OK.Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, Discord webhook?
https://healthchecks.io/ offers monitoring of cron jobs, so this would apply to addons that run regularly, such as connmon and spdmerlin
Email notification/Discord webhook would be for posting an alert if a certain condition if met (e.g. connmon latency, spdmerlin speed, or even a notification of every test run)
Healthcheck Configuration
c1. Set Healthcheck UUID
Currently: https://hc-ping.com/6ede8c9a-26fa-4917-912c-25cae6612d5e
Cron schedule for Healthchecks.io configuration: */3 * * * *
cs. Send a test healthcheck notification
e. Go back
Choose an option: cs
Healthcheck ping failed to send
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