I just wonder if anything feel wrong about the information which appeared in this page: router web:
I SSH in I found my current speed about 300kbits/s. I also check web the real time speed, it is about right, but when I get into 24 hours usage page, it shows me current usage is 22618.04 KB/s (Kbyte?!) which means 23MB and this is about 200Mb. I only have 100Mb which is impossible. Moreover, I know I don't download anything now. Therefore, I feel something could be wrong?
I just wonder if anything feel wrong about the information which appeared in this page: router web:
I SSH in I found my current speed about 300kbits/s. I also check web the real time speed, it is about right, but when I get into 24 hours usage page, it shows me current usage is 22618.04 KB/s (Kbyte?!) which means 23MB and this is about 200Mb. I only have 100Mb which is impossible. Moreover, I know I don't download anything now. Therefore, I feel something could be wrong?