Depending on how you're trying to set these up, there will be a way to keep the motorola moca and xfinity moca separate. Start a separate thread on it and link it here and I'm sure we can help you.Honestly, I just got my Motorola moca adapters tonight since these were unavailable and I must say, I’m not thrilled. My Xfinity X1 DVR/companion boxes apparently create their own moca network and they seem to wreak havoc. I tried changing the Motorolas to high band, low band, list goes on and I couldn’t get any satisfaction. No where near gigabit over rg6 and the connection when the motorolas had to deal with the X1 as NC was pretty flaky at best.
The configuration webpage on the motorolas was abysmal. You could never get it do what you intended it to do... it would always end up doing something else.
Anyhow, I’ve packaged them up and will be returning them.