R. Gerrits
Very Senior Member
As one way of showing my gratitude, I've added your "reverse VPN/bypassing thing" for test in next release.
Code:#Set up which IP-addresses that shall go via VPN, by adding them to an nvram variable #(to survive router firmware updates). Separate the IPs with a space character: nvram set kamoj_ips_to_vpn="" && nvram commit
I'm very curious.
I do worry though that it might not fully work with some of my setup.
Because I have my MacBook go directly to internet, but a Window VM on top of that MacBook I want to route via VPN.
The issue: both have the same MAC-address (because the VM is bridged onto the WiFi).
And somewhere in your addon, you give priority to MAC-address. So if 2 IPs share the same MAC-address, then your addon either adds them both to the bypass or adds them both to the vpn.
I guess this is convenient for most, so that even with changing DHCP addresses, devices still stay on the list.
But not for me