Part of the Furniture
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft OneDrive
dropbear: updated to 2022.83
rc: add OpenVPN DNS servers at the top of the dnsmasq server list
dnsmasq: updated to 2.88
openvpn: updated to 2.5.8.
nettle: updated to 3.8.1
inadyn: updated to 2.10.0
libovpn: implement blog bypass in VPN Director for wireguard clients
shared: rc: moved wireguard blog bypass code from rc/wireguard.c to ibshared
Revert "rc: make hnd_nat_ac_init() aware of WireGuard state"
kernel: rc: implement WG bypass in blog + additional backports from upstream
webui: fix location of the Certificate download button
rc: remove NTP redirection from AiMesh Guest Network
Bumped revision to alpha 2

[ 388.2 alpha Build(s) ] Testing available build(s)
I'm getting 700-800 with wireguard on my asus rtax86u,on official fw I get 500 at best so big improvement I would be suspicious at this number. If I were to guess you are measuring data going over wan and not vpn. Your router cannot make that speed with software nat and wireguard encryption. If...

RT-AX88U and GT-AX11000 se here
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