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  1. P

    Download Master fiasco on ASUS RT-AC68U

    ED2K? Wow. I didn't realize people still used eMule at all.
  2. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version

    I'd go with L&LD then, drivers/settings, in the router and/or in the laptop. Not all card/router combinations of settings are perfectly optimal/compatible. One router you can connect to may work just fine, another you may not even be able to connect at all. I can't tell you how many times I...
  3. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version

    It most likely has far more to do with the card in your laptop
  4. P

    Stupid question, Wireless Printing with 68r

    I love my Brother wireless printer. Works perfectly with my 68U.
  5. P

    68U and TX Power Doubt

    The ones I used are omnidirectional, although, of course, the vertical radiation angle is smaller.
  6. P

    68U and TX Power Doubt

    I upped my transmit power, along with equipping my 68U with 12 dBi antennas and I can practically see the 2.4 Ghz band from the moon.
  7. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version

    I have beamforming on, and until this firmware, never had an issue with it. Now after upgrading it's not uncommon for client systems to drop several times a day.
  8. P

    Dual AC-68 WAN with two Cat5 output radio receivers

    I'm with L&LD, I'm not seeing the issue with using two Ethernet sources on the AC68
  9. P

    RT-AC68U doesn't play nice with WiFi or AirPrint printing

    I've noticed a problem with WiFi printing if you have the 2.4 GHz radio set to anything but "N-Only" and the printer you are trying to print to has an 802.11n radio. If you're not operating in "N-Only" mode, give that a try.
  10. P

    Beta Version

    Although not with regard to the reboot issue. That had to wait for the new drivers with the patch from Broadcom, so there was nothing Asus could do to fix that issue before getting that new driver.
  11. P

    Beta Version

    See, this proves that Asus had to wait for a patch from the people who make the chipset its based on. It's not like they were just sitting there and twiddling their thumbs for no good reason. Don't blame Asus, blame Broadcom.
  12. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    I don't think there's any point in trying to figure this out ourselves. If this issue was simple enough for us to determine the cause, Asus would already have the answer and a new firmware would be in our hands. The people in Asus's networking division are all professionals and this is what they...
  13. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    Ah. Must be from before I joined.
  14. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    Since when has someone from ASUS provided us with betas of any kind here?
  15. P

    AC68U DDR Configuration Upgrade Tools

    That's how it should be for models made in 2014.
  16. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    IDK why people keep posting log data. If it was in the system logs they would have found the problem by now.
  17. P

    Interesting link about RT-AC87U

    Nitrogen in tires is kinda stupid, but certain noble gases, that's a different story.
  18. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    Considering there are no reboots with FW 583 I'd say the chances of this being a hardware problem are just about as close as one can get to 0.
  19. P

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version is out

    I agree with L&LD, with the exception of the one guy who can possibly catch useful information about the reboot using the TTL to USB cable, I guarantee nothing anyone is posting here is helping much of anything, except making the person posting feel better after venting. I have no doubt Asus is...
  20. P

    BL Unable to Overclock RT-AC68R

    Strange, makes me wonder if your original bootloader, as programmed, wasn't screwed up in some way from the factory. I have rarely seen that happen before. But, I'm glad it worked out after the upgrade.