Have also found in some situations 2.4ghz connections have less dropouts. Some things to tinker with/learn:and its due to:
Jan 21 20:12:51 kernel: eth2: received packet with own address as source address
what does this mean and how can it be fixed??
2.4ghz is stable and never goes "offline" for a few seconds like the 5ghz connection.
Do you have different SSIDs for 2.4GHz and 5GHz?
Do you have wireless profiles setup for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz on your xbox/laptop? If so delete the 2.4GHz profiles (or the 5GHz profiles - one or the other) to stop it switching to that band.
Because your headphones have their own transmitter that also operates on the 5GHz band it may be degrading the Wi-Fi signal enough to cause the clients to temporarily switch over to the 2.4GHz band.
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