Part of the Furniture
With the next AB-Solution version comes an email function to send yourself the stats. This is for the weekly stats (ws) as well as the current log stats (ls).
To make this work reliably, a gmail account is needed to send the mail to, or through it to another mail address.
This, of course, requires the gmail account credentials to be stored on the device.
ATM the file is at <your device>/adblocking/.config/email.cfg.
I was just thinking this may not be a good idea. If one rogue fellow unplugs the stick they may find the file.
Would /jffs/ be a better place to store it?
I know, the router itself is not much heavier but access to /jffs/ requires more effort than plugging a USB device into a PC with the capability to read ext* file system.
Your thoughts? Thanks.
Isn't there any other way to enable email other than gmail?
I'd rather I just saw the stats rather than whoever works at google.

Just my thoughts on this.
Thanks for continuing with this project!