The update-hosts.add runs a wget for the file, which requires a web server to answer.
Then trim the file to not include the wildcard domains, also push it to your github and include the raw file link in your AB Custom blocking file.
The wildcard domains are a separate file in pihole.
My end goal is to script this, im just publicly posting how im going about everything:
in blocking_file already
web page requests
dnsmasq on asus router forwards to upstream server
upstream filter catches based on * filter
upstream filter publishes list of hosts caught by *.baddomain and other *.domain filters
ab-solution wgets that extended list during its weekly update and is in blocking_file less than a week later
Where it gets more complicated is that im adding to the lists manually as I update the specific blacklist created on the ac68u nd trying to incorporate those changes across several different devices and networks the same day.
It is very convenient to have 3 securecrt windows open,
one adding to the blacklist,
another tailing the log for already blocked domains and
the last one tailing the log for dns requests for a specific device.
The above post is mostly for my convenience keeping the manual blacklist short enough it doesnt take 20 seconds to roll by between additions.
Thank you for this amazing work of code.