So, here's what happens.
I didn't have to do anything special to achieve the next hang, no reboot, just attempted to restart the UI and it's stuck at "checking installation state". Process list shows the "wget -q --tries=6..." and pixelserv is running.
I have an Entware version of traceroute called elt that is faster, skips some bad hop detail, and has an extra verbose mode, which I run and it informs me that is up, does not respond to ping on :80, and reverses to the hostname that is first in my AB-Solution blacklist.
The hang lasted about 7 minutes before loading the UI with the 22 errmsg. stdin < 22 yields:
checking pixelserv-tls did not respond, restarting did not respond
[long hang, then "pixelserv-tls is not running, restarting" again, then:
Shutting down pixelserv-tls... done.
Starting pixelserv-tls (AB-Solution)... done.
and hang.
So this is what happens persistently. Should I wipe and rebuild my blacklist? Would it help?
EDIT: I'm not sure whether my recurring/persistent problems are solved but: Upgraded to 3.11.0 and they continued. Upgraded to 3.11.1, and was successful in exiting and restarting the UI three times in a row. Flawless. That's never happened before. Looks I might have more time for other things, yay!
EDIT: Sadly, no, I still get into loops of hangs under conditions I can't quite qualify, but they crop up frequently. I ran log following awhile and it seemed to have stopped itself with "^[" to stdout. Then, when I broke with ^c and selected (e)xit it seemed okay until I then tried exiting the UI.
What do you want to do? e
exiting AB-Solution
checking installation state
--------------------- Message ----------------------
AB-Solution found errors in your installation.
This needs to be fixed before leaving.
Error(s) found. Type 22 and hit [Enter]
Hit [Enter] to check now
Although the pixelserv output looks good, ABS gives
checking pixelserv-tls did not respond, restarting did not respond
pixelserv-tls is not running, restarting
Shutting down pixelserv-tls... done.
Starting pixelserv-tls (AB-Solution)... done.
pixelserv-tls is not running
... then ...
Errors found.
Read the check's output for clues.
Hit [Enter] to return to Menu
reloading AB-Solution
--------------------- Message ----------------------
AB-Solution message:
Error(s) found. Type 22 and hit [Enter]
What do you want to do? e
followed by
checking pixelserv-tls did not respond, restarting did not respond
pixelserv-tls is not running, restarting
Shutting down pixelserv-tls... done.
Starting pixelserv-tls (AB-Solution)... done.
pixelserv-tls is not running
... and ...
Errors found.
Read the check's output for clues.
Hit [Enter] to return to Menu ^[
reloading AB-Solution
and back to the 22 errmsg.