Important, please read:
Updating / upgrading pixelserv-tls to the latest version Kj
The Entware package repository now offers the latest version of pixelserv-tls v35.HZ12.Kj for both MIPS and ARM routers.
This update or upgrade replaces the start file /opt/etc/init.d/
S80pixelserv-tls with a standard version that will not work in AB-Solution.
The solution is as simple as turning ad-blocking (a) off and back on after the update. This writes a new compatible start file and pixelserv-tls will work again. Then purge the old certificates.
Steps to successfully update pixelserv-tls from Ki to Kj:
1. in the
ps menu select '6. Manage Entware packages'
2. use either option '4. update and upgrade pixelserv' or '6. update and upgrade installed packages' to update/upgrade the Entware package(s)
3. turn off and back on ad-blocking, using the
a option
4. in the
ps menu, select '4. Purge generated pixelserv certificates' and confirm to purge the old certificates
5. Step 4 is mandatory if you updated to pixelserv.tls version Kj!
6. check if all went well by looking at the stats page:
http://pixelservip/servstats where pixelserv ip is the ip address that pixelserv is listening on
It will report:
pixelserv-tls version: v35.HZ12.Kj
Then log into your router's WebUI and look at the Syslog while browsing some websites. The log should contain entries for creation of new pixelserv certs for https domains.
Happy ad-blocking!
Note: This is what happened to
@quant88 in the post above this post. Do not follow his way, there is no need to reinstall everything, just turn ad-blocking off and back on, then purge the old certificates.
FYI, this is what a working /opt/etc/init.d/S80pixelserv-tls file looks like, <pixelserv IP> being your real IP:
# DO NOT EDIT this part of the file #
# generated by AB-Solution 3.8
export TZ=$(cat /etc/TZ)
ARGS="<pixelserv IP> "
PRECMD="ulimit -s 64"
DESC="$PROCS (AB-Solution)"
. /opt/etc/init.d/rc.func
# end of DO NOT EDIT #