I m running no other scripts.
In fact checking the scripts in jffs to make sure I saw this:
ultimusfantasticus@RT-N66U-87F0:/jffs/scripts# ls
dnsmasq.postconf services-start wan-start
post-mount services-stop
so I think I may be missing some stuff. Shouldn't some firewall stuff be in there?
Anyway, I was running the ps and so forth fine in the past with the firewall. However, I said "wth I haven't tried disabling it so let's do that". I mean I have tried all sort of random stuff, disabling IPv6, disabling NAT, changing NAT loop from asus to merlin to none and so on. In short I have tried every random thing I could think except "recalibrating the primary conduit through the secondary pathway in the Jefferies tubes and forwarding the central ramistat core while keeping the ontarian manifold within forty thousand KRG" like Miles O'Brien or Geordi La Forge would do... and also I had not turned off the firewall.
So I turned the damn thing off, and voila.... all is fine.
Well not much of a solution of course, and furthermore why suddenly the default bare-bones firewall of the RT-N66U router started blocking the wget ?
In conclusion firewall = no go and no firewall = go ..... bizarre. Reinstalling the latest merlin does not resolve the issue (in case I was missing some sort of firewall script).