Reporting back with wired 100mb results. This time I tested both 2.0 and 3.0 ports (using the same 3.0 flash drive stated before).Just for the record, I'm running a 40% overclock towards 1400Mhz.
I will run tests with 100mb and share results.
I'm testing with samsung usb3 128gb flash drive.
I'm running Merlin 380.69.
I indeed enter those echo commands without that final number. I had made a mistake while copying the lines here.
Will report back with 100mb results.
Cheers to you both!

No buffers only still seems the best shot.
What confuses me is the fact that both usb 2.0/3.0 are achieving almost the same speeds. Shouldn't 3.0 port be much faster than 2.0? On real world tests (copying large files from pc to usb), usb3 performs much better than usb2.
Ps: Please, no more boring tests! =P
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