Hello. First of all sorry for my bad English (I am trying to improve it everyday).
I have an Asus RT-AC68u with Asuswrt-Merlin configured as a primary router. I have a FTTH ONT Nokia G-010G-P which is connected to the WAN port of my Asus. Also the LAN1 port of my Asus is connected to the WAN port of a secondary router (Sercomm H500-s). If I connect an ethernet wire to the ONT Nokia G-010G-P I can access to it through If I connect an ethernet wire to a LAN port of the primary router Asus RT-AC68u I can access to it through and if I do the same with a LAN port of the secondary router Sercomm H500-s I can access to it through So it seems that the Nokia ONT, the primary Asus router and the secondary Sercomm router are on different subnets.
Would be possible reaching access to the Nokia ONT and to the secondary Sercomm router from any device connected to the primary Asus router? I have Vodafone Spain's FTTH and I used this scenario:
Thank you for your support.
I have an Asus RT-AC68u with Asuswrt-Merlin configured as a primary router. I have a FTTH ONT Nokia G-010G-P which is connected to the WAN port of my Asus. Also the LAN1 port of my Asus is connected to the WAN port of a secondary router (Sercomm H500-s). If I connect an ethernet wire to the ONT Nokia G-010G-P I can access to it through If I connect an ethernet wire to a LAN port of the primary router Asus RT-AC68u I can access to it through and if I do the same with a LAN port of the secondary router Sercomm H500-s I can access to it through So it seems that the Nokia ONT, the primary Asus router and the secondary Sercomm router are on different subnets.
Would be possible reaching access to the Nokia ONT and to the secondary Sercomm router from any device connected to the primary Asus router? I have Vodafone Spain's FTTH and I used this scenario:
[MANUAL] Asus RT-AC68u + Sercomm H500-s con FTTH propia (no NEBA) de Vodafone y NO PERDER NADA. | Fibra óptica
Responde al mensaje Hola a todos. A continuación voy a describir el proceso a través del cual he logrado tener acceso a Internet y Vodafone TV con visionado de... del foro dedicado a [MANUAL] Asus RT-AC68u + Sercomm H500-s con FTTH propia (no NEBA) de Vodafone y NO PERDER NADA.