Regular Contributor
There is something wrong here:
Local time is 2021-07-08 15:09:18
But latest log entry is 2021-07-07 02:20:40
The time gap is about 37 hours!! No wonder the stats are empty since it shows entries of the last 24 hours.
If you run this:
Do you still have such a time gap in the logs (with new entries only)?Code:aegis down; aegis up
That's right, I hadn't noticed the different day!

I first checked the logs again today and it looks like they stopped on the 7th. No idea why since the Web companion told me logs were running. Doing a simple aegis down and up as you suggested fixed it. Not sure why it logged until the 7th and then stopped.
I have a cronjob to refresh the blocklists every morning, I'll check tomorrow if the logs get stuck or not.
Thank you