Well I think I've gotten to the bottom of my issue, and perhaps found a bug in the process.
TLDR: DNSSEC + Strict Order + Open VPN Client (with DNS Servers that don't support DNSSEC) = "Disconnected" message.
Normally, my DNS Servers are and I have DNSSEC set. The DNS Servers can be seen in /tmp/resolv.dnsmasq.
When I start the VPN, the VPN provider adds two DNS Servers. I use Surfshark, and now resolv.dnsmasq looks like:
What I've found is setting strict order against the VPN actually sets strict order against DNSMasq. This can be seen in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, where there is a new parameter "strict-order". So strict order is being set for the whole router, not just the VPN connection.
The two additional DNS servers ( and do not work from the router (in other words, the router cannot resolve hosts using these DNS servers). This is because I have DNSSEC enabled. However, these DNS servers don't support DNSSEC, so any DNSMasq lookup fails.
When I have strict order set for the VPN "Accept DNS Configuration", I cannot resolve any hostnames on the router (I tried pinging various hostnames after logging into the router using ssh - all failed). This is because they try to resolve against the VPN servers first, but fail.
Switching the VPN "Accept DNS Configuration" to relaxed (which also switches DNSMasq to relaxed) allows the router to resolve hostnames again. I guess it then uses CloudFlare to resolve.
Also turning off DNSSEC fixes the problem.
A side effect of all this is that "Disconnected" shows against the status, as the DNS resolving doesn't work (and switching it to "Ping" doesn't work either, even just pinging an IP address).
@RMerlin does this sound feasible?