Not sure which hardware revision you are hinting at? Mine is A1.1 and have no problems. All of the AX88U items on the changelog seem to work flawless, except for the Wifi Radar. It reports a 0 (!) dB signal strength on the 2.4 band and 5 band and shows no graph on the the 5 band.The changelog gives us some good hints at what's changed and what can be targeted...
386.8 (xx-xxx-xxxx)
- NOTE: This release is only available for the RT-AX88U as well as the two new models listed below.
- NEW: Added support for the GT-AXE16000.
- NEW: Added support for the GT-AX11000_Pro.
- NEW: Added support for new RT-AX88U hardware revision.
- UPDATED: Merged with GPL 386_49634.
- CHANGED: Re-enabled IPv6 DDNS support.
- CHANGED: Once again block router DNS access over IPv6 when using DNSFilter on a pre-HND model (reverte back to 386.7 behaviour for that scenario)
- FIXED: inaccurate nvram usage on Sysinfo page for some HND models. Now accurately report kernel nvram usage.
- FIXED: WiFi Radar page alignment.
- FIXED: AiMesh node new firmware popup would use the device model (like RT-AC66U_B1) rather than the product id (like RT-AC68U) for the generated download URL.
- FIXED: OVPN client with DNS set to strict had lower priority than DNSPrivacy servers.
- FIXED: IPv6 DNS may be missing if DNSPrivacy is enabled.
- FIXED: WiFI Radar pages missing on XT12.