amtm 3.8 is now available
What's new
- Router date keeper
rd. Lets amtm keep the routers last date when booting or rebooting. The routers system log date entries look more consistent.
- Expanded reset
r options (called
remove in non-firmware amtm), option 1 was always there:
1. Reset amtm. This resets amtm and its own settings. Third party scripts are NOT affected.
2. Reset amtm, remove scripts and Entware. This resets amtm and its own settings and removes all third party scripts, including Entware (if installed). Third party scripts WILL be removed.
3. Remove Entware. This removes the Entware repository. Third party scripts depending on Entware may no longer work after removing.
How to update amtm
u to update to this latest version.