AX86U. Noticed that kill switch was malfunctioning. I've putty-ed into router and cannot type amtm - command not found. Tried to reinstall it. When trying this command:
[~]# curl -Os https://raw.githubusercontent.com/decoderman/amtm/master/amtm && sh amtm
I get:
Welcome to amtm
The Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
Install amtm now? [1=Yes e=Exit] 1
Sorry, wrong platform.
amtm cannot be installed.
What am I missing?
Installed 3004.388.8_2, no difference.
AX86U. Noticed that kill switch was malfunctioning. I've putty-ed into router and cannot type amtm - command not found. Tried to reinstall it. When trying this command:
[~]# curl -Os https://raw.githubusercontent.com/decoderman/amtm/master/amtm && sh amtm
I get:
Welcome to amtm
The Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
Install amtm now? [1=Yes e=Exit] 1
Sorry, wrong platform.
amtm cannot be installed.
What am I missing?
Installed 3004.388.8_2, no difference.