The Continuous Mode module should have been included in the latest firmware
Once updated, please reset to firmware default, configure the router again, then follow the instructions below to switch to Continuous mode:
1. Ensure Telnet function is enabled under your Windows operating system. If you have alternative terminal software that will be OK too.
2. Open up ASUSWRT web GUI, under “Administration – System”, set “Enable Telnet” to “Yes”, the “Apply” to save change.
3. Open up Telnet or your preferred terminal software, telnet into your router, and then issue the following commands to change mode:
nvram set dhcpc_mode=2
nvram commit
4. Wait for router to reboot.
5. After router boots up, telnet into router again, and check the process status by the command:
ps -w | grep udhcpc
and make sure you can see "-t1 -T5 -A0" in the returned result. The full result should read something like this:
18950 admin 3184 S /sbin/udhcpc -i eth0 -p /var/run/udhcpc0.pid -s /tmp/udhcpc -t1 -T5 -A0 -O33 -O249
6. Once all of the above is set, your router should be under “Continuous Mode”.
Please kindly monitor for the next few days and let us know if problem returns.
Jack Cheng, ASUS Australia