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Asus RT-68U unresponsive.

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So my RT-68U has become unresponsive when i try to either log into it or access the USB HDD i have plugged into the USB 3 port. It's internet function still seems to be working as i can connected wired and wireless to it and access the internet. I haven't powercycled yet as it seems to be finiky(needs to be unplugged a couple times to start functioning again) when i do that. Any reason for it to randomly do this?

3 powercycles later and it seems to be working like normal. It's got stock 4422, and all the advanced options like Aicloud are turned off.
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Try this 3 things (all of them together):

1- Install merlin's 374.40 alpha4 build
2- Format your hdd with ext3 or ext4 (i bet you are using ntfs)
3- Enable swap

Tell me if it works.
The router would boot loop with merlins firmware on it and the usb hdd plugged in.

formating it would mean having to get everything off it 1st. it's 1/3 full right now.

where's that option located?

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