No I still need to do the ipset rule specifically for that device so the rules still apply only for 1 device be it connecting via VPN through the script or if explicitly add it to the vpn.
I don't understand what this means im sorry..
Is there a way to merge both scripts 10/27 into one so I don't have to toggle?
I have gone through the posts and put the ones I am using below with my change noted( I just changed the sitenames for Proof Of Concept) below(If i am connecting via VPN Client 1, I put the
1 in both places right?:
Also I added the bottom line into the wan-start(IPSET IP's supercede actual Nslookup Records right?)
firewall-start (with logdrop added/updated)
VPN_ID=1 # VPN Client 3
VPN_FWMARK="0x1000/0x1000" # 0x1000=VPN 1, 0x2000=VPN 2, 0x4000=VPN 1, 0x4000=VPN 3,
logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ "Creating IPSET '$IPSET_NAME' rules"
iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -s $IPADDR -i br0 -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j MARK --set-mark $VPN_FWMARK 2>/dev/null
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s $IPADDR -i br0 -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j MARK --set-mark $VPN_FWMARK
# Prevent duplicates but can leave firewall exposed...
iptables -D FORWARD -s $IPADDR -i br0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null
iptables -D FORWARD -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "ALLOWED_thru_VPN" 2>/dev/null
iptables -D FORWARD -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set ! --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j DROP -m comment --comment "BLOCKED_thru_VPN" 2>/dev/null
iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set ! --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j logdrop -m comment --comment "BLOCKED_thru_VPN"
iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "ALLOWED_thru_VPN"
iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
# Non-destructive (but no less exposed?) method to prevent duplicates
#[ iptables -C FORWARD -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set ! --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j DROP -m comment --comment "BLOCKED_thru_VPN" 2>/dev/null ] || iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set ! --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j DROP -m comment --comment "BLOCKED_thru_VPN"
#[ iptables -C FORWARD -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "ALLOWED_thru_VPN" 2>/dev/null ] || iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -o tun1+ -m set --match-set $IPSET_NAME dst -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "ALLOWED_thru_VPN"
#[ iptables -C FORWARD -s $IPADDR -i br0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null ] || iptables -I FORWARD "$(($(iptables -nvL FORWARD --line -t filter | grep "state INVALID" | cut -d' ' -f1)+1))" -s $IPADDR -i br0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
modprobe -sv xt_comment.ko
logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ "Loading iptables 'comment' module xt_comment.ko rc=$RC"
modprobe -D xt_comment.ko >>/tmp/syslog.tmp
ipset create $IPSET_NAME hash:net comment
logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ "Creating IPSET '$IPSET_NAME' rc=$RC"
echo -e $$ $@ | logger -st "($(basename $0))"
Say "Paused for 2 secs....."
sleep 2
# These are optional, but if the domains are defined in 'dnsmasq.conf.add' then dnsmasq will automatically populate the ipset, but will not include the comment description to help identify the IPs. (May be useful if you later want to remove a domain's IPs.)
Say "Adding domains to IPSET '$IPSET_NAME'"
THIS="";for IP in $(nslookup $THIS | awk 'NR==1, $1 == "Name:" {next}; {if ( $0 ~ /\./ ) print $3}');do ipset add $IPSET_NAME $IP comment $THIS; Say "'"$THIS"' $IP rc="$?;done;
THIS="";for IP in $(nslookup $THIS | awk 'NR==1, $1 == "Name:" {next}; {if ( $0 ~ /\./ ) print $3}');do ipset add $IPSET_NAME $IP comment $THIS; Say "'"$THIS"' $IP rc="$?;done;
THIS="";for IP in $(nslookup $THIS | awk 'NR==1, $1 == "Name:" {next}; {if ( $0 ~ /\./ ) print $3}');do ipset add $IPSET_NAME comment $THIS;Say "'"$THIS"' $IP rc="$?;done
To allow it to add as a viewable site for the device.
Then do the following DNS spoofing
echo "address=/" >>/jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add
and then either reboot and/or do the service restart_dnsmasq?