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ASUS RT-AC87 Firmware - Official Releases

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Asus are aware of Apple-specific issues with the RT-AC87U, and are currently working with Quantenna and Apple on the problem. This is why there hasn't been any new public release yet, they want to address this issue first.
It is meant to address a particular issue with the Intel 7260 and the Quantenna chipset. In my case regularly all packet flow stops but the wifi link is still up and running and everything appears to be fine.

I'm still testing it but so far the issue has not occurred with my Dell XPS 15 running the latest drivers.

I've been having the same issue with my Apple devices.

My Macbook Pro and iPhone are unusable when connected to the RT-AC87U/R 5GHz network. The internet connection drops to almost 56k or won't work at all(even though it's connected and the signal is strong). I'm only 5 feet from the router and no walls in-between. When I switch to 2GHz, everything is fine again. To compare, I turned the 5GHz network on for the Airport TimeCapsule and the internet works perfect on both the laptop and phone. Something is definitely wrong with the 5GHz network on the Asus 87U router. Either that or there's some sort of conflict with certain types of devices (because it worked fine on the iPhone for the first few days then stopped and didn't work right of the bat on the macbook).

I also connected an xbox one to the 87U 5GHz network and it worked fine for the first night (even though NAT type showed as Strict and not Open as when connected through LAN cable). The next day it had trouble connecting to the internet and when it did it kept losing connection. I switched back to the LAN cable.
I would go with Merlins latest firmware. I have tried them all. Seems to be most stable.

RMerlin's 48_1 does inherit the 5Ghz wireless problem from 2769 unfortunately.. but nevertheless the build is of course more stable than the official 2769 build.

Thus far i am using the beta firmware uploaded by zoon. So far so good until my 5Ghz decided to drop again after 15hrs of usage. Its a big improvement from the previous 3561 beta..
RMerlin's 48_1 does inherit the 5Ghz wireless problem from 2769 unfortunately.. but nevertheless the build is of course more stable than the official 2769 build.

Thus far i am using the beta firmware uploaded by zoon. So far so good until my 5Ghz decided to drop again after 15hrs of usage. Its a big improvement from the previous 3561 beta..
That is strange. The 3561 beta has been rock solid stability-wise for me. In fact, it is working so well that I am afraid to make any changes.
Can Access Internet, Can't Access Admin Page

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I have an 87U. It worked great for the last (first) couple of months. Two days ago, my led's for the radios stopped working (the radios still worked). I did a 30-30-30 reset, restored settings and all was well. Today, I can no longer access the admin page. I can access the internet with no problem.

I did another reset -- no joy.

I looked at firmware version -- up to date.

I checked the browser's proxy and dhcp settings -- they're good.

I tried another computer (mine W8.1, that one W7) -- no luck.

I tried different browsers -- same result.

I connected an ethernet cable and ran ipconfig -- no default gateway address.

I have an HDD connected to the router and can see that on my network.

Does anyone have any good ideas before I return this puppy for exchange?
Can Access Internet, Can't Access Admin Page - Update

I took the 87U off the network, ran another hard reset. ipconfig shows as the router's address. I can ping it successfully.

It shows up in "network" in file explorer with the same ip in properties. However, when I double-click it I get "It is not possible to disconnect at this time. The connection is currently busy with a connect or disconnect operation."

Likewise, when I try to access it from my browser I get a "No data received" message.

I took the 87U off the network, ran another hard reset. ipconfig shows as the router's address. I can ping it successfully.

It shows up in "network" in file explorer with the same ip in properties. However, when I double-click it I get "It is not possible to disconnect at this time. The connection is currently busy with a connect or disconnect operation."

Likewise, when I try to access it from my browser I get a "No data received" message.


How are you performing a hard reset?
I have just gotten AC87U yesterday. Anyone has any idea why my upload speed (10-14Mbps) seem to be rather low compared to the download speed (50Mbps) when i'm on the 2.4ghz. On 5Ghz band, i can receive around 120Mbps using a n-client, but similarly the upload speed is pretty disappointing, only around 50-60Mbps. (these speeds were gotten from about 3-5meters away from the router)

Any one having the same issue or have any idea how to resolve this? Is this normal?

I have tried placing my laptop side by side with the router, i can receive around 210Mbps download speed and 180Mbps upload speed using the 5Ghz band. Around 90Mbps download speed and 80Mbps upload on the 2.4Ghz one.
This is quite normal with the AC87. Seems as if the 5ghz band sucks big time. A lot of us are waiting for a firmware update to resolve the issues with that band. 2.4ghz works fine.
meh... Rather than 5GHz of the AC87 I'm disappointed with the quality of posts on this forum. I'm using the AC87 on stock firmware with an Asus z97 integrated wifi go (Broadcom) 802.11ac 866 adapter.

Through 2 walls and about two dozen feet of distance I got measured ~300mbps downlink from a NAS attached to the router via gigabit and ~200-250mbps uplink which SURPRISE is perfectly normal for such distance with such signal obstruction characteristics.

Therefore please stop complaining about crappy 5GHz with this router. There are in fact some reported issues with the wireless adapters that Apple is using.
Nevertheless, imho the results reported by tormont are as expected.

2.4GHz range is bloated by 802.11b, bluetooth, dect, microwaves... you tell me appliances and contemporary is useless for high throughput traffic.
5GHz on the other hand rapidly deteriorates with obstructions (eg. walls) and distance. The claimed theoretical speed are achievable basically next to the router.
The issues with 5Ghz are not all regarding throughput, and not all regarding Apple devices. Plenty of my mobile devices randomly lose connectivity on 5Ghz while still claiming a strong connection. The new 5Ghz radio and driver are still early days. We have a long way to go till it is stable enough to service most devices reliably. In fact, the only device that remains properly connected to my 5Ghz network over the course of several days is my bridged AC87.

Android phones, Windows laptops, consoles, and my other network devices frequently fail off on 5Ghz while maintaining fantastic uptime using the 2.4Ghz radio. It is my hope that an upcoming firmware will address these issues, because otherwise the actual 5Ghz throughput and performance is fantastic.
Maybe... though I had far worse 5GHz experience with TP-Link products and replaced a few of them with a single AC87... Now the 5GHz network works like a charm for PC, notebooks and mobile phones.
Maybe... though I had far worse 5GHz experience with TP-Link products and replaced a few of them with a single AC87... Now the 5GHz network works like a charm for PC, notebooks and mobile phones.

That is great yours is working great. I connect through a couple of walls and 30 or so feet at 866mbps with my mac and it can't churn more than 20mbps on speedtest. My iphone 6 in the same location can hit 90mbps without drop outs.

My windows laptop running 8.1 consistently drops 5ghz connection as well as my roku.

SO MY 5ghz really blows all around. Doesn't matter what it connects at - 1000mbps 200mbps 866 mbps. All types of devices drop on 5GHZ running all firmwares released thus far.
Maybe... though I had far worse 5GHz experience with TP-Link products and replaced a few of them with a single AC87... Now the 5GHz network works like a charm for PC, notebooks and mobile phones.

I concur with many of the other folks who are having consistent issues with the 5ghz net. I have a lot of Apple products, and I'm well aware of the Yosemite wifi issues, but I'm convinced that thas nothing to do with the AC87's current 5ghz issue.

My experience with the AC87 5ghz net has been that it's awesomely impressive (both speed and range) on ALL of my devices (Apple & non-Apple) for a day or two, then it just fades into lower & lower speeds and more & more inconsistent connections... That was true when I first set up the AC87 in early Sept and was true for several factory resets since then (some of which were when my Apple devices were pre-Yosemite and pre-iOS8).

Like many others here, my 2.4 ghz net has been rock-solid from the start.

I'd be curious to hear how your 5ghz net is holding up after a couple/few days...

Cheers, Chris

Edit: I'm currently running the stock (69) firmware
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So far so good - 4 days router uptime and I'm using the network on daily basis.
There might have been a hiccup once or twice but can't really complain about.

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