Just saw the new release and will install the beta over the weekend and report results.
Seeing that my RT-AC68U will be able to run "new" Merlin releases only through 2024, I assume that means my router will technically work, but eventually be vulnerable to security issues, or just that there won't be new Merlin features? Not sure exactly what "end of life" means, but it doesn't sound good.

I like all the Merlin features I've come to understand and would like to retain them past the current 386.13.xx firmware.
Assuming it's really bad (i.e. new router by 2025), I assume I'll be buying a new Asus which is Merlin ready. From what I glean on the boards here, the RT-AX88U Pro ($267) or GT-AX6000 ($230) were the go-to models to get. Assuming I buy one of those two (or whatever someone senior here says is better for 2024), is it wise to consider using my old AC68U in some sort of mesh configuration? Or should I just toss it? I have a two-story house and if I could repurpose it to "downstairs" wifi usage in "mesh", that would be great. If I understand "mesh" right, it would allow my new router to extend through the current one to double coverage in my house. If this is a bad idea, that's OK too, becuase the AC68U currently covers most areas of the house well, and I assume the replacement would do the same. Any guidance on anything above appreciated.
Not the biggest fan of change, since I like when things are working, but ultimately see how a new router might be better and buy me 4-5 years of well-supported router/firmware. Thanks for all you do Merlin, and board support!