Living life on the bleeding edge here... it seems! lol
I can completely understand where you're coming from.
<sigh> You hit the nail on the head,
@Jeffrey Young ... I'm just getting super tired of having to build things to check on things that you are reliant on the underlying OS for... The OS should be assumed to be foolproof and 100% stable. But we're seeing time and time again, like with the nvram issue that we've been dealing with since the AC86U and have had to use the "timeout" command on to help prevent lockups being caused by bugs in the OS... and now the GT-AX6000, while seemingly fixed, has now started showing symptoms of creating stuck nvram/wl commands after a certain span of time as well. Now a separate daemon to make sure stuff runs, or perhaps even just run it itself, because we are no longer able to trust cron? Ugh!
Guess I'll be reading up on the "Writing your own daemon 101" guide. lol