Ops sorryIt is an AC88u
After more testing I'm not able to get reliable speed reading files from my usb 3 attached drive over SMB or FTP.
Tried a few different settings, AI protection disabled, QOS disabled, but almost always transfers are slow, around the 15MB/s mark.
This must be a bug right?
Left the router connected to an OpenVPN client for almost a day, resulted no internet after a while. Had to disconnect OpenVPN to restore internet access. Could reconnect to OpenVPN right afterwards and still have internet access.
2) While a client is connected, entering the page or switching to any other page via the 5 clients drop down menu can take almost 2 minutes. When the client is disconnected - these pages are loading instantly.
Cant get OpenVPN Client working and not clear why. Straight copy of settings from my current live, working Tomato USB setup doesnt work. PIAs settings for Tomato dont seem to work. Found some threads dealing MerlinWRT + PIA (like this https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/forum/discussion/comment/50644/#Comment_50644) but cant make it work yet.
Will do and get back to you with the details as soon as it re-occurs.Check your System Log for any error message regarding your tunnel.
Actually, I compared the 3 clients and noticed that the first one has "Redirect Internet traffic" set to "All" while the others are set to Strict.
Changing it to strict remedied the issue, but I need to set it to All.
Selecting either "All" or "No" (EDIT: specifically on client 1) seems to be causing this.
Can you post a screenshot of your OpenVPN settings page (client) from top to bottom? (hide/mask any personal data)
Wired or Wireless? What router model?
Check your System Log for any error message regarding your tunnel.
PIA works fine for me. Make sure you did enter the CA and the CRL, they're not included in PIA's ovpn config file. All I did was import the .ovpn file, enter CRL and CA, then apply.
Wired or Wireless? What router model?.
OK, it could be the reason even if aiprotection is Off the same memory is used. Anyway my concern is more about the wifi speed than the memory usage itself... I have tested today again both firmwares 380.68_4 and 382.1 b3 and I got a difference in both down and upload of about 20Mbs from my 300Mb line, where with 380.68_4 I got 300Mb on both down/upload (even bit more) and with 382.1 I reached 280/260 aprox.....New Trend Micro engine for starter, so I wouldn't be surprised if memory usage would be a bit higher. I've never paid any attention to it on my own RT-AC88U.
Fresh config on Client 5.
- upload .ovpn
- add username and password
- add CA and CRL (hadnt done this previously.. but doesnt seem to make any difference)
- no other config
1) First pass: Verify Error as above
2) Second pass (attempting to replicate) - got same issue with CA / CRL not saving on "save" --> "apply" --> toggle service "on" = fails with Options error: You must define CA file (--ca) or CA path (--capath)
Idle CPU load average is around 3.76 3.79 3.82 which seems high.
First of is your 86u Asian,European,USA?
Mine was from gearbest and is a china version by I can change to English and select Europe on the Wi-fi options for correct Wi-fi channels as I’m in uk.
Worked fine for me - I added another user account as part of test... Not sure if that helped or not. Maybe try the same?Additionally I am having trouble using the open vpn server section. Using the current settings that are working on my old n66u but no matter what settings I put in to either server 1 or server two when I go to the keys section/option nothing has been generated ie blank boxes. Could I ask a favour and would you be able to check yours at all?
I’m also using beta.3
Fresh config on Client 5.
- upload .ovpn
- add username and password
- add CA and CRL (hadnt done this previously.. but doesnt seem to make any difference)
- no other config
1) First pass: Verify Error as above
2) Second pass (attempting to replicate) - got same issue with CA / CRL not saving on "save" --> "apply" --> toggle service "on" = fails with Options error: You must define CA file (--ca) or CA path (--capath)
add CA and CRL (hadnt done this previously.. but doesnt seem to make any difference)
I have tested this a bit more and the problem with the max speed is due to the CPU 1 hitting 100% at 260Mb download while with 380.68_4 it is just at aprox 50% for 310Mb. I made a config reset and after that I tested again and exactly the same happened. Also is confirmed that new Trend Micro is the cause of the memory use increase in this version and I think it is probably the root cause of the extra cpu which is causing the issue with the speed as well. So just after the config reset, aiprotection is disabled and the memory use is about 25% and performance tests seems to be ok, but just after enable aiprotection the memory reach 35% and the problem with performance appears.....The problem is that it seems that even disabling aiprotection later, the router doesn't back working normally as before, so it remains with the same memory use and same behaviour with the performance..OK, it could be the reason even if aiprotection is Off the same memory is used. Anyway my concern is more about the wifi speed than the memory usage itself... I have tested today again both firmwares 380.68_4 and 382.1 b3 and I got a difference in both down and upload of about 20Mbs from my 300Mb line, where with 380.68_4 I got 300Mb on both down/upload (even bit more) and with 382.1 I reached 280/260 aprox.....
Any advise?
should the router still be reaching out to "fwupdate.lostrealm.ca" even though I have check for firmware updates disabled?
Still unable to reproduce here. I just re-imported the PIA US-Chicago config file on Client 5, added CA and CRL, entered username/password, applied, then I started it - it connected just fine.
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