Significantly increase the user experience? Stop using the tablet!
Built in obsolescence (it's not the $3-$5 savings - it's the $400-$800 they hope to make on you sooner).
Disclaimer: a computer without a physical keyboard and some kind of mouse isn't a worth turning on to use it.
Yes, you know what you're getting. Whatever apple wants you to have.
Well, that is 3/4ths of the reason why the tablet I got HAS a keyboard and touch pad (and can have a mouse added). Asus T100 2-in-1. Sure, I use it as a tablet 90% of the time, but the other 10% is it darned nice to have a physically dockable keyboard and touchpad.
But that said, these days when it comes to computing, if you IGNORE my desktop at work, I probably spend 50% of my time using my tablet as a tablet, about 5% of my time using my tablet as a netbook/laptop, about 20% of my time on my phone, 20% of my time on my desktop at home and 5% of my time on my actual laptop at home.
Of all of those, my laptop is probably the most "discardable" of the devices, not that I wouldn't want a full fledged laptop still.
70% of my "computer use" is just moseying around webpages and checking/responding to emails. Probably 15% is watching movies/shows. That leaves maybe 15% that is playing video games, network maintenance, word processing, etc.
Again, ignoring the work I do at work, which is balanced about 20% email, 20% word processing/spreadsheets and 50% business applications and about 10% tooling around the internet (either work related or non-work related. We do have things called breaks and lunches here). Which is very much a desktop, or maybe a laptop thing.
My personal time is heavily biased towards what a tablet is very good at. Which is web browsing and watching TV/movies.
So a laptop or desktop would significantly decrease my user experience. Laptop <<<comfortable than tablet laying on the couch or laying in bed. Desktop...well, let's not even get in to how fun that is to try to do laying in bed