Wade Coxon
Senior Member
Yes, I suspect the small amount of tagged traffic that I see on my upload is also from my various Google Assistant devices.I've noticed that when running diffserv4 that my Ring Doorbell Pro must mark it's traffic, particularly when I use Live View, as I get my upload traffic incrementing the Voice and Video tin counters. The Ring Doorbell is very fussy (aka rubbish) about it's connection so this helps me.
If you want to use diffserv4 on the download you need to set the extra download option nowash as the default on cake-qos is to wash the DSCP marking.
This is what I found, but not sure if the same technique can be applied on Asuswrt.I would also love to see additional traffic marking added to cake-qos, but also don't have the knowledge to do this. I have a vision that we could use the Trend Micro engine classifications just like with FlexQoS and apply these to cake as per this info https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-cake.8.html#OVERRIDING_CLASSIFICATION_WITH_TC_FILTERS, but sadly even with 30 years in IT Infrastructure, I don't have the knowledge to even know where to start in the code.
Using DSCP for QoS
I will check the veth solution later. Here is my other approach using connmarks. When using imq, i think this is the better solution. Since traffic only needs to be classified on the egress side. After classifying set some connmarks. use those marks on egress and ingress to set the...