First of all, here is my current spec.
AX86U running on 3004.388.8_4
YazFi v4.4.4
I know by default Yazfi is not working with Wireguard because of its firewall rules.
After doing extensive search, I found I can make custom firewall rules for Yazfi to work with Wireguard.
I tried but it still didn't work.
Since I'm not familiar with Linux commands, can anyone help me take a look if there is anything wrong on each command?
Here are the steps I tried to make wgc1 to work with Guest Network 1.
1. open a script
2. type the following into the script and save
3. make the script executable
4. execute the script
5. Add rule in VPN Director to direct traffic from to wgc1 (see the attached pic)

These are the steps I tried, but I'm still unable to connect to the internet by using the SSID of Guest Network 1.
AX86U running on 3004.388.8_4
YazFi v4.4.4
I know by default Yazfi is not working with Wireguard because of its firewall rules.
After doing extensive search, I found I can make custom firewall rules for Yazfi to work with Wireguard.
I tried but it still didn't work.
Since I'm not familiar with Linux commands, can anyone help me take a look if there is anything wrong on each command?
Here are the steps I tried to make wgc1 to work with Guest Network 1.
1. open a script
nano /jffs/addons/YazFi.d/userscripts.d/
2. type the following into the script and save
iptables -I YazFiFORWARD -i wl1.1 -o wgc1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I YazFiFORWARD -i wgc1 -o wl1.1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -I YazFiINPUT -i wl1.1 -j ACCEPT
3. make the script executable
chmod +x /jffs/addons/YazFi.d/userscripts.d/
4. execute the script
5. Add rule in VPN Director to direct traffic from to wgc1 (see the attached pic)

These are the steps I tried, but I'm still unable to connect to the internet by using the SSID of Guest Network 1.